MFTE | Adara at SeaTac in S SeaTac, Washington
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Adara at SeaTac is proud to participate in SeaTac’s Multifamily Tax Exemption (MFTE) Program, offering rent-restricted homes to qualifying individuals. These homes are open to all prospective residents that meet Adara’s rental screening criteria and are determined to be income eligible for our MFTE program. Applicants will firstly complete our standard application and rental screening process. Once the standard process is complete, our leasing team will certify the income of the household to determine their MFTE eligibility.

To meet the income eligibility standard, the household must prove that their anticipated income is below the maximum income limit for the home. The maximum income is determined by the City of SeaTac and expressed as a percentage of the Area Median Income (AMI%). There are a select number of homes at Adara that are a part of this program and are available to qualified applicants making no more than 80% to 115% of the AMI. For more information regarding the MFTE program, and our current availability, please contact us directly.

MFTE Table